LEARNING INTENTIONS: To use the elements of art (line, form, space, shape, colour, and tone), pastels, and proportions in creating a self-portrait using a 'PICASSO-LIKE' style

REFLECTIONS: I learned the elements of art and I chose colours that would look good with my portrait, I also learned how to draw the face and more. I didnt really like how the pastel would get all over you. If I was to improve my drawing I would make my head a bit smaller and I would make the eyes a bit bigger. 

10/5/2012 04:30:51 pm

I'm glad you chose the colours that made your portrait really pop! The abstract nature of Picasso style portraits are really unique! I like that you mentioned ways you could improve on your work in the future!

Pooh Bear
1/19/2013 01:07:38 pm

Your art looks great! I was just wondering if you have ever done abstract art like this and would you do something like this again? I really like the look of your website, keep up the great work! :)

1/23/2013 08:41:56 am

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1/23/2013 12:25:48 pm

Great job on your picasso art but I have one suggestion, maybe you could change the writing to black instead of white because I can barely see the writing. But over all great job.

1/23/2013 01:26:25 pm

Your art looks really good and abstract! Changing the colour would be a good idea though....

1/23/2013 10:12:13 pm

Great work! I think my only suggestion is like ghosts, maybe you can make your writing darker because I can barely read it. Also, would you want to do this project again? Other than that, good job.


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